Thursday, December 31, 2009
new year
Happy Almost new year. I am glad that it is almost over, and I just hope and pray that '10 will be so much better. God Bless and be safe.
Friday, September 11, 2009

So much to say, and yet every time I want to say something my heart breaks. One Nation Under God. He will hold us when we need him, and protect us and guide us when we don't know where to go. The Good Lord is always here, and someday the reign of our Lord will be a merciful one. Someday there will be peace on this earth once again. It will be Heaven on Earth.
It is as if the lights are shining the way to heaven for all of those souls. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Friday, August 21, 2009
& also this too!
Ok I am super pissy right now. I have to work tomorrow all day and I mean all day. I don't want to work so late. And to top it off Of course tomorrow is the Comcast summer event. Johnathan Harris this awesome country singer will be at the park, two minutes from my home. I can WALK there. GRR. Then they are playing Twilight. It should be HP but still it stars at 7 pm and I have to work til 8. Not fair. I never work Saturdays. I am the morning girl Monday thru Friday and now I am tired of having to fight for my shifts. Ok not really fight, but still. Harrumph. Also stupid mother nature has helped to put me in a bad mood too. its not my fault. If Eve would have Listened to God and Not Listened to the Devil, then life would be simpler. Ok but then I cant say that because the Bible says what will happen and its all starting to come true too. Anyway I am pissy and just feel like blaming others for my pissyness. And there is no way that I will be able to leave at 6:30 because HAH yeah right. The only solace I would have is if my boss called me and asked if I wanted to work 8-4 instead. Yeah Im not that lucky!!!! GRGG!!!! It's raining pissyness. Oh yeah and Saturdays are busy too. MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok what else. Oh yeah WHAT THE HELL IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO!!!!!! Don't even get me started on the political CRAP of this world. I might just say something that would have the FBI at my house. Ok not really, but peeps would be pissed. WHAT HAPPENED TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Oh yeah everyone up top (IN A BIG HOUSE) Wants to get rid of our constitution and make us all a MUSLIM nation. I do not doubt it. SO lets just let all these mamalukes come on in and STEAL all of our money and Social Security, and everything else.
Friday, August 7, 2009
So happy!!! OK so the last time that it rained here was the day I came home from my vacation on 7-13-09. It was nice and cloudy and cool. Sadly then for the next 24 days straight it was HOT! So I apologize for bringing the Sun back with me, and LOL, I already went dancing in the rain.
YAY! We love rain!
YAY! We love rain!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Being Bloated.
OK so here I am on my computer and getting tired all right. But it is funny how little things make you laugh. So today for some reason I feel extremely bloated, and not for the reasons that many would think. Like a while back when I told my mom this I said, "Mom I'm so bloated. I feel like I should be having a baby. LOL!" HAHAH!!! Right anyway only if it was immaculate conception. Heheh. But seriously, I am trying to not snack as much, and it always seems that no matter WHAT I DO. (total emphasis here.) It seems that I can never lose weight. Man if I could go back in time and change all my eating habits I would. Seriously this sucks. I know I need to exercise more and all, but after work I am plum tired. SMILE!!! Not only that and all but maybe it has something to do with the three hormone medicines I am on to help some imbalances that I have. Man this bites. Any who I am off to eat a yogurt and call it night. Peace out. Maybe my next step should be to write a blog about HP!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
OK so I was way wrong. Yeah cooling down. HAH! What potions was I sniffing. Anyway I am pretty much kicking my self in the face right now, and I really wondering why I said yes to work a full 8 hours tomorrow. For you that know me you know what I do, and let me promise you all that if I cant be found I am napping in the Frozen Cooler at work. :) 101 degree here is way too hot. Yes that's for Seattle and all but we are usually a couple of degrees cooler or hotter. Oh why did I bring the sun back with me from California. I WANT RAIN AND COLD AIR!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Ok All I can say is that it is too hot! No more heat and we may all fry now. Us Washingtonians are not used to this. too HOT!!!! So hang in there and maybe it will cool down soon. HUGS
Sunday, July 19, 2009
OK so a little bit ago I saw on Jeraldo that they were going to announce HP Half Blood Prince records for opening weekend. OK so I was so happy to see that HBP accumulated from Tuesday at Midnight until Sunday I believe 400 Million dollars. I nearly peed myself. But then I came online to find out some other grossing films like Titanic and it puts HP HBP at #23 on the Highest Grossing Film ever. OK Maybe I'm reading something wrong, but dammit it goes to HP!!! It needs to. Maybe soon I will figure it all out and re post something.
GO HBP!!!!!!
P.S. Soon I will post on my trip too.! I need to do that and add pics. Hugs!!!
GO HBP!!!!!!
P.S. Soon I will post on my trip too.! I need to do that and add pics. Hugs!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
OK just a real fast one here. All my other posts (like the last few) were actually done a few months back, or even up to a year. I just cleared them off my myspace and put them on here.
On a higher note. I am so excited for HBP!!!! SQUEEE!!!!!!! I have waited for this for 4 years to the date. I went to Hot Topic today and got two new shirts, a tote bag, and two wallets. I am so proud of myself for not buying everything. They had the coolest jackets too, but sadly they don't fit me. I'm too busty, and big boned. Grrg. LOL!!!
Peace out! I love JESUS!!!!!
On a higher note. I am so excited for HBP!!!! SQUEEE!!!!!!! I have waited for this for 4 years to the date. I went to Hot Topic today and got two new shirts, a tote bag, and two wallets. I am so proud of myself for not buying everything. They had the coolest jackets too, but sadly they don't fit me. I'm too busty, and big boned. Grrg. LOL!!!
Peace out! I love JESUS!!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ok, hi all! Have you all ever jut had a revelation of yourself that totally makes perfect sense? So Im driving home from church tonight and it occured to me that all I want is a good Christian Severus Snape. I mean I have such a wonderful relationship with God, and my family but I want a Severus. I do not want a James, nor a Remus, Sirius, and no way a Peter. (for other reasons...) Nor an Avery, or a Tom, nor a Nott, or even a Harry, or a Ron. No it seems that my heart pines for one name. Severus. And how is it that other people are lucky? Mary had Joseph. Alan has Rima. Salt has Pepper. Peanut Butter has jelly, and Norbert has Dag. All I want is a good Severus. Is there none out there? Where for art thou Severus? so I feel that I am done rambling now and if my Severus is out there. Please come find me. I will be your Lily. (Exluding the horrific issue of James Potter.)!!!!!!
Good night to all and may you all have a blessed evening.
Good night to all and may you all have a blessed evening.
I LOVE anything and everything about Alan Rickman, Severus Snape and Harry Potter, and like I said England/London too. I spend so much free time thinking and theorizing about the wondrous world of Harry Potter. Thank you J.K. In my spare time I love to listen to my ipod, read, write, surf the net, watch movies, and hang out with family and friends.
Everything on my ipod. Especially the Beatles, Oldies, Nickelback, and now the Parselmouths. They WROCK! I love nearly all music and it just depends on the mood that I am in.
My Fav Movies are all of the HP movies, and all of Alan Rickman's movies. But some of my top favorites are Liar Liar, Snow Cake, Something the Lord Made, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Happy Feet, Titanic (It's a classic) and so many more. I am such a movie buff. Though I think that HP OOTP will be the top HP movie!!!! Until HBP!!!
I love t.v, but since so many of my regular shows are on break, I have some new favorites. HOUSE M.D, Doctor Who, , Ghost Hunters (GHI), Grey's Anatomy, and The Tudors.
Deathly Hallows, all of the HP books. The Unauthorized Biography of Alan Rickman, The other Boylen Girl, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and books by Kerrelyn Sparks, Nora Roberts, and a good mystery or Romance. Any book that keeps you up all night is a good book.
My biggest Hero is God. If it were not for him I would not be here. My mum and dad are also my heroes because I have learnt so very much from them. I really do have the greatest parents :) And last but not least Alan Rickman is my hero. Why? I can't explain it really? More or less for personal reasons. Though anytime I can see myselfy in a total stranger or them in me, and can relate on such a level with a person it is very special. When I feel that I know someone even though I do not know them they have a special place in my heart. They are my hero.
Everything on my ipod. Especially the Beatles, Oldies, Nickelback, and now the Parselmouths. They WROCK! I love nearly all music and it just depends on the mood that I am in.
My Fav Movies are all of the HP movies, and all of Alan Rickman's movies. But some of my top favorites are Liar Liar, Snow Cake, Something the Lord Made, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Happy Feet, Titanic (It's a classic) and so many more. I am such a movie buff. Though I think that HP OOTP will be the top HP movie!!!! Until HBP!!!
I love t.v, but since so many of my regular shows are on break, I have some new favorites. HOUSE M.D, Doctor Who, , Ghost Hunters (GHI), Grey's Anatomy, and The Tudors.
Deathly Hallows, all of the HP books. The Unauthorized Biography of Alan Rickman, The other Boylen Girl, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and books by Kerrelyn Sparks, Nora Roberts, and a good mystery or Romance. Any book that keeps you up all night is a good book.
My biggest Hero is God. If it were not for him I would not be here. My mum and dad are also my heroes because I have learnt so very much from them. I really do have the greatest parents :) And last but not least Alan Rickman is my hero. Why? I can't explain it really? More or less for personal reasons. Though anytime I can see myselfy in a total stranger or them in me, and can relate on such a level with a person it is very special. When I feel that I know someone even though I do not know them they have a special place in my heart. They are my hero.
Who I'd like to meet:Hmmm...let me hard... Just Kidding! I would want to meet Alan Rickman of course!!! Words can not even begin to describe how much I want to meet him. Last year I went to Disneyland and I was so thrilled to even be in the same state that he sometimes lives in. Crazy huh? I would have to also throw in Alec Hopkins, J.K. Rowling, David Tennant, Daniel Radcliffe, Daniel Handler a.k.a. Lemony Snicket, Johnny Depp, Chandra Wilson (Grey's Anatomy), and of course Billy Graham
Mrs. Half-Blood Prince's Blurbs
About me:I have Obsessive Compulsive Alan Rickman Disorder. But to all of those that I know that are not Rickmaniacs I am simply a HUGE Severus Snape, Alan Rickman and Harry Potter Fanatic, whom is now 21!!!!! So much that everyone just calls me Mrs. Snape all of the time. That is what I am known to all of my family and friends. Just ask them. :) My family loves pets and we have a lot of cats. We tried to have small animals, but that did not work too well! I have decided to take a break before I go to college. If and when I do go back, I would love to study Journalism, or English, becuae I love to write, and read. I am so in LOVE with England/London, and I am already planning a trip to someday go there. I've always said, "Even though I am an American, I have the heart and soul of a Brit!" My mum has always said that "Your either gonna like me or your gonna love me!" Me it is a litle bit different. "You may think that I am a geek, and different, but now I am a proud geek!" Click here for your own
About me:I have Obsessive Compulsive Alan Rickman Disorder. But to all of those that I know that are not Rickmaniacs I am simply a HUGE Severus Snape, Alan Rickman and Harry Potter Fanatic, whom is now 21!!!!! So much that everyone just calls me Mrs. Snape all of the time. That is what I am known to all of my family and friends. Just ask them. :) My family loves pets and we have a lot of cats. We tried to have small animals, but that did not work too well! I have decided to take a break before I go to college. If and when I do go back, I would love to study Journalism, or English, becuae I love to write, and read. I am so in LOVE with England/London, and I am already planning a trip to someday go there. I've always said, "Even though I am an American, I have the heart and soul of a Brit!" My mum has always said that "Your either gonna like me or your gonna love me!" Me it is a litle bit different. "You may think that I am a geek, and different, but now I am a proud geek!" Click here for your own
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Things I want to know
1. Why does my cat always insit on drinking my milk.
2. How do I become a movie extra.
3. Why does my other cat knock over my milk.
4. Why do I love milk?
5. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuch would?
6. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? (Dude I nmust know)
Ok and so many other things that I shall wait on. LOL!!!!
2. How do I become a movie extra.
3. Why does my other cat knock over my milk.
4. Why do I love milk?
5. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuch would?
6. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? (Dude I nmust know)
Ok and so many other things that I shall wait on. LOL!!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Such a HP freak yep thats me.
Ok so YAY!!!! Im so excited. I just watched the newest HBP Tailer and Oh my Word. SQUEE!!!!!!! I did the happy squeeling dance. This movie is going to kick all movies butts. Im so excited right now. Go HBP. Dude and Snape!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! Can't wait. Ok just wanted to go GAHHHHH!!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
All good things must come to an end...I don't think so!!!
Okay so why is it that every time a great show comes on TV and lasts for one season it gets cancelled. I'm talking amazing shows. Okay sometimes they only last two or way less but... I have some perfect examples right now. The First one is blind Justice. I totally loved that show so much and it only lasted like 13 episodes. Another was a great Drama called shark and it got the boot. Oho and my most upsetting one of all. Life on Mars. How can such a brilliant show get cancelled? It is so upsetting. Any who I just don't get it and I guess I never shall.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ok so Im super bored and dont really know what to talk about. Desperate Housewives is on in a few moments so Im gonna make this quick. Just a list of movies that I eventually want to buy.
1. The Thrill of it all.
2. Nobel Son
3. Twilight.
4. Beauty and the Beast. the original
5. Pinocchio!
Tata for now, peeps.
1. The Thrill of it all.
2. Nobel Son
3. Twilight.
4. Beauty and the Beast. the original
5. Pinocchio!
Tata for now, peeps.
Friday, February 20, 2009
happy birthday alan
Just wanted to take a very quick second to wish Alan Rickman a very fantastic and wonderful Birthday. Its already Feb 21 st in England and Im sure he's going to enjoy it very much. I sure hope so. Happy B-day Alan!!!! And maybe someday Ill be ion England too!!!! I hope and pray for it every day. Whenever God says its my time then its my time to go to England.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Okay so today is a good day. I feel that I have accomplished many things. Not only is today my 5 year anniversary with my company that I work for, but other things as well. I finally posted my first you tube video and am thrilled at the outcome. Trust me. This is definitely an accomplishment. Also when I weighed myself for the first time in 3 months I was please to see that the digits were going down and not up. yay!!! Hey a couple pounds for me is a victory. I have always had a battle with food as a comfort and I have always seen myself as a big girl. But I'm down at least 20 pounds from like a year or so ago. Yay! And also I just feel good. Now lets hope that I get a good nights sleep and perhaps maybe I can accomplish one more task. Maybe I can have a peaceful night sleep without all of my horribly nightmares that are a nightly routine. What a way to end the day. So tata for now, and sleep peacefully.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Sevi Poo.
Okay real quick before I dash off to work.... I want to wish Severus Snape a most wonderful Birthday. He would have been 49 today and boy I bet he would have just loved that. LOL! So from all of us Snape Fans to him. Happy Birthday Sevi Poo we love you.
Okay I know that he is a fictional character and all but come on he so rocked Hogwarts like no other. LOL! Peace all.
Okay I know that he is a fictional character and all but come on he so rocked Hogwarts like no other. LOL! Peace all.
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