Thursday, August 6, 2009

Being Bloated.

OK so here I am on my computer and getting tired all right. But it is funny how little things make you laugh. So today for some reason I feel extremely bloated, and not for the reasons that many would think. Like a while back when I told my mom this I said, "Mom I'm so bloated. I feel like I should be having a baby. LOL!" HAHAH!!! Right anyway only if it was immaculate conception. Heheh. But seriously, I am trying to not snack as much, and it always seems that no matter WHAT I DO. (total emphasis here.) It seems that I can never lose weight. Man if I could go back in time and change all my eating habits I would. Seriously this sucks. I know I need to exercise more and all, but after work I am plum tired. SMILE!!! Not only that and all but maybe it has something to do with the three hormone medicines I am on to help some imbalances that I have. Man this bites. Any who I am off to eat a yogurt and call it night. Peace out. Maybe my next step should be to write a blog about HP!

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