Ok I am super
pissy right now. I have to work tomorrow all day and I mean all day. I
don't want to work so late. And to top it off Of course tomorrow is the
Comcast summer event. Johnathan Harris this awesome country singer will be at the park, two minutes from my home. I can WALK there.
GRR. Then they are playing Twilight. It should be HP but still it stars at 7 pm and I have to work til 8. Not fair. I never work Saturdays. I am the morning girl Monday
thru Friday and now I am tired of having to fight for my shifts.
Ok not really fight, but still. Harrumph. Also stupid mother nature has helped to put me in a bad mood too. its not my fault. If Eve would have Listened to God and Not Listened to the Devil, then life would be simpler.
Ok but then I cant say that because the Bible says what will happen and its all starting to come true too. Anyway I am
pissy and just feel like blaming others for my
pissyness. And there is no way that I will be able to leave at 6:30 because
HAH yeah right. The only solace I would have is if my boss called me and asked if I wanted to work 8-4 instead. Yeah
Im not that lucky!!!!
GRGG!!!! It's raining
pissyness. Oh yeah and Saturdays are busy too. MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok what else. Oh yeah WHAT THE HELL IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO!!!!!!
Don't even get me started on the political CRAP of this world. I might just say something that would have the FBI at my house.
Ok not really, but peeps would be pissed. WHAT HAPPENED TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Oh yeah everyone up top (IN A BIG HOUSE) Wants to get rid of our constitution and make us all a MUSLIM nation. I do not doubt it. SO lets just let all these
mamalukes come on in and STEAL all of our money and Social Security, and everything else.